What does a Level 3 Building Survey Report include?
The Level 3 Building Survey is a full visual inspection of all accessible parts of the building, which offers a more detailed report than a RICS Level 2 Home Survey.
​The report is in an easy-to-read format, including many photographs, with sections that cover all elements of the building, giving a full description of the condition and construction of each element.
​Unlike other surveys, the Building Survey will investigate as far as possible any defects to determine the cause and advise on any remedial action/works required to repair the property.
​The Building Survey is suitable for properties of all ages, though is particularly recommended for buildings of unusual nature, eg if the building is of an older style/construction, has significant extensions/ conversions, or is in a relatively poor condition.
​Building Surveys are also useful if you are planning to carry out works to the building once it has been purchased.
​Old, Listed and historic buildings demand a different approach to their survey, repair and maintenance. We have carried out many surveys of houses of this type and are qualified to provide this level of service.
Testing for dampness will be carried out together with an assessment of timbers for potential rot or beetle infestation.
The condition of the heating, electric, gas/oil, water system and underground drainage systems will be reported on (subject to access).
​For properties which are due to be extensively refurbished and/or major conversion is planned or where a Home Survey Report or Mortgage Valuation has highlighted more than one structural issue we can offer an Overall Structural Appraisal, which provides the same level of structural assessment, but does not cover finishing elements, services installations or legal matters.
Are costs of repairs included?
Our surveyors are happy to provide ballpark estimates for any required repairs flagged up within the report.
Do you look in the loft or cellar?
Our surveyors will look in all areas of the property including lofts, cellars and any sub-floor areas provided that reasonable access is available.
A thorough inspection of all accessible parts of the property will be carried out including permanent outbuildings.
How can I find out more?